(VIP)LUX by Lloyd Barnes

“This is the greatest trick of the last decade. It’s probably the greatest trick of all time.”
– Craig Petty

The most powerful EDC weapon ever created. This is LUX.

LUX gives you or your spectators the ability to harness the true power of ultra violet light.

This is one of thousands of effects possible with LUX:

The spectator is handed a UV Pen and the special LUX device. They draw a UV ‘X’ anywhere on themselves. They shine the UV light on the ‘X’… in ultra slow motion, in their hands and on their skin, that ‘X’ visually vanishes. Like the Avengers’ Thanos ‘Snap!’, it literally melts away into the ether.

Next with the light still in their hands, they shine the it on your arm (or anywhere you want) and the ‘X’ that they just drew visually emerges back into existence on your skin!

This is the closest magic has ever gotten to making CGI from the movie screen and into real life and entirely in the hands of the audience.

“LUX is such a powerful experience! It looks how real magic should look!”
– Tobias Dostal

But that’s just one example. You can choose LUX to do the most stunningly visual magic that you will ever witness or you can use it to elevate your mentalism to jaw dropping new heights.

From the cleanest Invisible Deck ever created, to undeniably fair Lottery predictions. From Book tests, to Bank Nights and everything in between. The dynamic power of LUX is truly unparalleled.

“Lloyd has done it again!! Visually stunning, crazy fooling and stupid easy to perform!! This is something special!!”
– Adam Wilber

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