(VIP) Mental Die-Mensional by Sudo Nimh

** Now comes with the Mental Die-Mensional Trainer App to make the learning process even easier and fun. If you already purchased this, simply log into your account to download it.

Forget your electronic and expensive gimmicked die sets that only use one die. Forget not being able to perform these effects without your special apparatus handy. Imagine being able to do this with NORMAL dice…and 100% impromptu.

That day has finally come.

Find out for yourself why Sudo’s latest effect has been fooling knowledgeable Mentalists and performers everywhere!

Everyone has purchased pipe dreams or effects that they’ve quickly forgotten about, but this is a strong, commercial routine that you’ll likely be doing for the rest of your life. Mental Die-Mensional, is arguably the finest divination with ungimmicked dice to date.

Effect: Offering to demonstrate the difference between intuition and thought-reading, you jot down a premonition on a business card to test your intuitive abilities which you leave face-down in front of your participant.

You hand them two dice and turn your back. The participant makes three rolls with the dice, silently totaling the rolls as they do so and without ever once saying a word. They are then asked to cover each die when finished – one die under each hand. You turn back around…

For the first time, the participant announces their total. Your premonition is turned face-up…

Unbelievably, they match! Occasionally you might miss. But much of the time you won’t. Such are the breaks when one is relying solely on intuition alone.

But now you do the impossible. You ask the participant which die they would like you to reveal first. You ask them to visualize the die under the chosen hand…

… and immediately reveal the number on that die!

You then reveal the number on the die hidden under their other hand – immediately and with no funny business whatsoever.

And THAT, is the difference between intuition and thought-reading!

This is surely Sudo’s finest thinking to date. Many Mystery Performers didn’t believe that it was possible or as clean as described until it was demonstrated for them…and they were shocked… because It really is exactly as described!

Key Points:

– the dice are completely normal
– the totals are freely rolled
– the results are different every time
– no forces
– the performer truly doesn’t see anything
– the participant writes nothing down
– absolutely 100% impromptu
– easy to do
– repeatable, without fear of discovery
– works every time without fail
– can even be performed over the phone!

If you’re looking for a powerful impromptu Mentalism routine – this is definitely it. You can borrow the dice as they are completely ungimmicked, but most people will likely want to carry around a set after learning this fantastic routine. Next time you have a game night, you’ll be prepared to stun everyone with this miracle! Get it now before someone else fools you badly with it.

A few reviews from the Magic Cafe:

“This is absolutely stellar material, and a stunning example of an impromptu miracle that is about as close as you can get to perfect…” – Seth

“Sudo blew my mind. When the end moment comes, there’s just really no words to explain how gobsmacking it is. It just doesn’t seem possible for him to know the numbers on the dice. And yet, he IMMEDIATELY divines them. It’s kind of nuts. The method is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant and 100% surefire. Wonderful thinking as always from Sudo. You won’t be disappointed with this. This is something I’ll have in the back of my head for those moments when the time comes. And I’m thinking of including it in my table hopping/mix and mingle set.” – Madison Hagler

“I have read the pdf on this and all I can say is WOW. This is so good… This gets my vote for one of the top three effects this year.” – Bowers

“This routine kills! It killed me! I am sure it will be a lot of fun performing as well. It is impossible to backtrack, due to the presentational structure and nature that Sudo has developed, so even the smartest person won’t be able to figure it out. I have my dice and will always carry them with me from now on, so I can do this effect. This is easy to do, strong, killer, no filler, and will always be ready to go when you need it. Worker material. Can’t wait to hear what Sudo has in the pipeline next…” – Alex Alejandro (BMW Guy)

“The routine is just brilliant!! This is really some of the best thinking on an impromptu Mentalism piece. Everything is well justified. And here is the beautiful thing about it. If you use some of the more expensive gizmos, this routine will save you when one is not around. Even better, this routine can incorporate that for some amazing hard hitting Mentalism. I will be using this from now as I already know how well it plays (and the reviews preceding mine already show that it is a worker)!! Simply put, I LOVE IT!!! Well done Sudo!!!” – Ash2arani

“I don’t usually post, but I bought this and have to say this is a very strong routine. Love the thinking here. Sudo, your hunch was correct. I will be carrying dice with me. This is a winner. “ – Elliot Marx

“The method is great, and very clever. It’s not something that I would have thought of and I’m confident that participants won’t be able to back track anything.” – Pixelated

“Thank you for making this available Sudo. As I have always said about your work, you take the “I should have thought of that” genre to new heights.” – Sean Waters

“I really really like this, and will be something I perform a lot. Very happy customer. Thank you Sudo!!” – Dr. Ross

“Another beautifully constructed routine from Sudo. Excellent.” – Mike Hopley

“I have it. I would say it’s as good as it sounds. That is it’s really fooling. I think magicians may like it even more than layman since magician like to be fooled as much as entertained and it really is fooling.” – Xcath1

“Last week I got a chat from Sudo – and he asked me to jump on Google Hangouts for a minute. He knew I had been messing around with dice switches, so he asked me to grab some dice, which I did. He proceeded to absolutely fry my brain. It’s so rare that I get really fooled by an effect, and even more rare that I get to experience a moment of actual mystery, but it happened with this effect. Those of you that know me know I’m not prone to hyperbole, but this is just so f’n good, I really can’t help myself.” – Last Laugh

“If I knew hypnosis, I would hypnotise Sudo and keep him from selling it.” – Shaukat

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