(VIP) Devil in Disguise 2 by Peter Turner

About Devil in Disguise 2

“Devil in disguise 2 that I’ve always wanted to capture and I am happy to say that I have! It took more than twelve months but we got there in the end. I’ve been very quiet on the details so apologies for the radio silence to all that have messaged me about this project.” – Peter Turner


On the stick, you will get sixteen solid routines and brand new principles, in-depth discussions and explanations with guest appearances from Michael Murray, Fraser Parker, Mark Chandaue and Steve Wood. All material is filmed in crisp HD (no regional issues), with added security to protect your investment.


A Kick to the Teeth: You place a prediction on display ahead of time. Four participants (can be more or less) think of a random word as a team. The prediction is shown to match 100%… And the kicker? It just so happens the participants played a bigger role than they could ever have known. When you take the first letter of each of their names it spells the exact word they thought of!

Try to Hypnotise Me: You place a piece of card with a number on it face down and tell the audience that the card will be important in a moment. A participant thinks of a random four-digit number — there is no way that the number could match the one that you wrote before the participant ever thought of a number… But that doesn’t matter; you talk about mind control and how you can replace ANY thought to match yours.

You start by erasing the numbers from the participant’s mind. After a few seconds the participant cannot say or remember the numbers! Then you show the group what was written at the start (without the participant seeing) and propose to implant those numbers into the participant’s mind, proving that you can replace any given thought. After talking to the participant openly for a second (not whispered or covertly) you ask the participant what numbers are in their head — much to the surprise of everyone the participant says the numbers that were written long before the performance.

More details…

Time for a Date? Another classic technique presented in a way that is new fresh and interesting. This will make you smile like crazy. This enables you to reveal a participant’s date of birth, playing card, any object or item from a list, pin code. Imagine being sat at dinner and asking someone to open the menu, think of any meal on there and being able to reveal it in seconds. And guess what – YOU ASK THE PARTICIPANT NO QUESTIONS. This is mechanical.

Pigs on Steroids: A principle to take “Piggybacking” to new levels. Subtleties, touches and performance ideas with two routines that are simple, quick but extremely powerful.

Countdown/Phantom Book Test (Plus): The participant thinks of a word from an imaginary dictionary and you have predicted it in advance. No obscure process and the method is over in one sentence – meaning that you are free to present this the way that you choose. Alternative presentations with an in-depth discussion of a clever multiple out system most of you will have on your person as you are reading this.

Missing in Action (Plus): Four participants each think of a random single digit to generate, as a group, a random pin code. You can reveal the pin code with no fishing!

Variant #2: You ask the participant to think of random digits from their bank card (without ever removing it) and you are able to reveal them.

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